Monday, May 31, 2010


I have been terrible at keeping up with our blog. Maybe taking care of a 7 month old has taken over my spare time? YES! That's it.

About a month ago, we traveled to Cincinnati to visit Jeff's family. We had a great time visiting with Grandma and Grandpa, and introducing Carson to the rest of the family that he hadn't met yet.

Here are all the Schnell Cousins posing on the stairs where family photos are always taken:

Carson working on his short game on Grandpa's putting green:
Swinging in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard:
Carson finally meeting his Aunt Tracey:

Since being back from Cincy we have been at home, spending time with friends and family in Las Vegas. Our next trip out of town is Father's Day weekend when we head to the Bay Area to meet Baby Ryan Narduzzi, go to the US Open at Pebble Beach, enjoy some family time with The Scotts, and celebrate Jeff's 1st Father's Day and Suzi's 30th birthday!

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