Here is the awesome cake (sure wish I had some of those leftovers now):

Me and Carson with the cake! :)

Opening gifts! This is a scrapbook my mom made for Carson. It is an A B C book - this page is "A for Aunties" and has a picture of all of his aunts. SO cute!!
Here is a cute "I love Mommy" outfit for Carson to wear. (Thanks Brina!)
Super cute Fresno State blanket that was made for us by Nana Shirley!
What a great weekend with family and friends, and a wonderful day. We know Carson will never have to want for anything, he has so many people that love him already... what a lucky kiddo!

So sorry for the delay in posting these pictures. Since I wasn't the photographer at this event, I had to seek out the pictures and download them from those who did take pictures. :)